Christmas 2023 - Not So Quick Note

 My passion project turns five - wild! Unlike previous years, I have limited capacity this time (and so does the sugar stock in the grocery stores these days..) Sadly no multiple batches of cookies and riding around town to deliver them. But I'm trying something new. With only several boxes of cookies, I sell them by donation. A little fundraising for a dog shelter. I've kept money out of this project for a while, but sometimes it's the most efficient tool to help. The fundraising also spared me from having to choose from 20+ households in my cookie committee list.

About the fundraising

If you know me, you know I love dogs. My dog, Spotty, passed away two years ago. My brain seems to forget this sometimes, because I still expect a wagging tail to greet me. I used to joke that I fly home once a year for her birthday - it wasn't really a joke. In my last visit, I learned about Pejaten Shelter. It's a volunteers-run shelter in my hometown, Jakarta. A home for 2000+ animals, mostly dogs. It sounds and feels just right to donate the money for a dog shelter back home. I know there are so many other things that need help, and many ways to do it, I choose something that's close to my heart in a way that I can.

In total we raised $210 CAD. To give you an idea of the value, that's enough to buy 243 kg of chicken meat. The shelter gets special price from a distributor that supports them. Chicken dinner for the puppers! Thanks to all who helped make this happen.

About the cookie box

I want to share what goes behind planning a cookie box. Usually, I'll do my research and choose cookies from different part of the world. I don't have the luxury of time to do that this year, but I still want a delightful experience for the receiver. Contrast is my trusty friend, here's what I mean. When the person opens the box of cookies, I want them to see different shapes and colours - curves and lines, geometric and organic, dark and light, simple and decorated. Same thing when they eat it, smooth and crunchy, mellow and flavourful, fruity and nutty, chocolatey and.. not chocolatey. I usually turn one recipe vegan, shortbreads are easy as there's no eggs (plant-based butter and milk) and one recipe gluten and dairy free (Italian almond cookie is my go to.)

That's it for this year. Thanks for following along. Happy Holidays and take good care!


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